Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Joy in the Journey

I started making jewelry for many reasons, as a creative outlet, a way to earn some extra $$ and to even make some sort of difference in someone's life. I know, how can jewelry make a difference? But I try to donate to pieces to charities, give big discounts when I know someone's struggling, and just try my best to make my jewelry as perfectly as I can so it can be enjoyed by whoever is receiving it.

Today I received an e-mail about a necklace I had made that touched my heart.

"Hello Kendra. I purchased this necklace from you a few months ago. I wanted to thank you for it and let you know a bit of the story of said necklace. I purchased it for a coworker who was deciding to leave the job to care for her husband who was suffering from brain cancer. Her husband has been battling cancer for 5 years and just last week passed away. He was 30. She is the mother to 2 children. Thank you for creating a beautiful piece of jewelry that I could pass on to her when she left those 3 months ago. Thank you for helping me share this beautiful message."

I truly love what I do.


  1. what a touching story. The necklace is beautiful.

  2. That's awesome. What a great person that was to give her friend such an thoughtful gift and then share it with you.
