Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blogger Tips and Tricks

So I don't know if you've noticed that I've made some changes to my blog. And I'll have to admit at first I was EXTREMELY timid about changing any of the html codes thinking my whole computer would come crashing down if I messed up. But it didn't!!!! I've had my sister in laws sister working on a lot of my graphics and such but decided to try to do something myself. Everything went so well I thought I'd pass along what I learned for all my fellow bloggers.

I found some great tutorials and took it real slow, making sure my boys were asleep to avoid the ever constant interruptions when they are awake. Also I made sure my original codes were saved so if I totally screwed up I could put things back the way they were.

To make three columns (blogger has a standard two columns) I went to Three Column Blogger
it is very simple and easy to understand. Pretty straight forward. It might seem overwhelming (kind of like a statistics class I'm taking. Now THAT is tricky stuff!), but just take it one phrase, sentence at a time. You can do it!

To do a custom font I went to Kevin and Amanda. This was a longer process, it took me most of 'watching' Avatar to figure it out. You pick the font you want (I also got the font from Kevin and Amanda here) I downloaded it and had to unzip it. That they didn't explain how to do that but you can look it up online. I had do download an 'unzipping' program too, I found a free one online. Then they take you from there. It looks overwhelming but you can do it!

Take it slowly and read carefully! Both changes turned out great for me. Nothing blewup! And when I was done it was like magic and made my blog look so much better AND I didn't have to have poor sister-sister-in-law spend hours on it on top of the other things I was asking her help with OR pay a boatload to have someone else do it.

Heck, if I could do it, anyone can! Good luck!


  1. kevin and amanda... they are pretty amazing. all those free fonts. mmm.

  2. Your blog looks great! It really is invigorating to try and succeed at something new, isn't it? Have a great weekend!

  3. i want to try to make both changes. i just get super intimidated by the whole html thing. i just need to go for it. yours looks great.
