Monday, April 26, 2010

Trying Something New

I think if I were to rub a magic lamp and get three wishes, one of my wishes would be to be able to pick who my neighbors were. They would, of course, be all my most favorite people in the world, a majority who live nowhere near me. Oh the fun we would have!

One of the people who would be living in my neighborhood would be my friend Kim. I met her first in collage in choir and then again while we were in the MTC in Peru where she lent me some PJ's because my luggage was delayed. I then met up with her years later via her AWESOME website for moms. I could go on forever about Kim and how great and talented she is. But one thing I love is the recipes she shares, I seriously try them all the time. Tonight I decided to try her Chicken Tomatillo Soup. It was delicious and my husband loved it, he can be a little picky at times. This one is definitely going into the recipe box. Thanks Kim!

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