Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo and Seizing the Day

Do you ever find yourself saying "I'll do it when....." Well, I did that with this gardening project I wanted to do with my son that I kept putting it off. Before I begin a project, party, outing whatever I ALWAYS have a fairly specific picture of what I have in mind and sometimes I'll put something off because everything's not just right so I'll say "I'll do it when....."

That got me to thinking about how many times I say to myself "I'll do it when...."

For example:

"I do that project when I get XXX fabric (or whatever the heck I am thinking I need for it, dispite the fact I have a more than abundant supply of craftiness all over my house)"

"We'll have people over when we finally finish removing the AWESOME popcorn ceiling" (or painting such and such wall, decorating....)

"I'll buy/make cute clothes when I lose XXX of weight"

Isn't that ridiculous?!?!?

I am trying to make a greater effort to not say "I'll do it when" but to seize the moment, which is what I did with our planting project. We didn't have everything to do it the way I wanted but I must tell you, we had TONS of fun planting and now checking up on our little plants.

This is where my son dumped all the seeds out. We sure had fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's so true! I've been trying the same thing. I tend to need everything to be perfect before I can do that project, etc. But it's impossible to make everything perfect all the time. So, do the best you can and that's 100x better than not doing it at all! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

    kerstin @
