Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'll Fly Away - Butterfly Art

I bought these gorgeous framed butterflies while I was a missionary for my church in Bolivia. Most people know, I kind of have a thing for butterflies, always have. They are just so beautiful!!!

So while I didn't really make them or do anything crafty to them (I wanted to paint the frames white but my husband talked me out of it), I thought I'd share anyways.

When I got home I didn't want to pack them with me everywhere. Livin' the collage life would have probably ruined them. So they stayed at my mother's house. Even though we've had a place of our own to decorate for a year or so, I had totally forgot about them. But we are united once more and now they are dusted off and displayed in our bedroom, matching the beautiful, airy light blue and white colors.
This big blue one is one of my very favorites. I didn't really see many butterflies while I was there, they were more in the tropical areas where I was not. But I did see a moth the size of a small bat attack my companion. I'm sure that was a hilarious sight to see!
Another one of my favs, I think because the wings are absolutely transparent except for the bottom tips.
And who could resist these beautiful metalic blue green colors?


  1. So pretty! You can get these at the Butterfly Garden in Key West also (if you're ever down that way). I got one at Home Goods, but it's nowhere near as pretty as yours!
