Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recipe Card Birthday Calendar

This month has been a month of birthdays in my family, 5 birthdays in only 3 weeks! In college I could remember everyone's birthday but then I got married to a man with more cousins than I could count (probably more than he could either) and all the sudden I had to remember a LOT more birthdays.

To keep better track of all those days I came up with a birthday calendar using recipe cards. It now hangs right by my desk so I can keep up with all those birthdays and special days!
To attach all the cards I used loose leaf binder clips. You could also just use ribbonIt was pretty easy to make. All I did was use recipe cards (I got them at the dollar store) and covered them with coordinating scrapbook paper.
I used stamps for the months and to embellish.
And for the actual calendar part I just made one up on the computer. You could also just write it out.
I did another one as a gift and it's a lot more embellished than my first one. I wish I had done a little bit more but I just can't change mine, I love it exactly how it is!


  1. Super cute idea! I'm thinking of making these as easy gifts to give the grandparents and other relatives we don't see often.

  2. Love this! Stopping by from All Thingz Related :)

  3. This is sooo smart! Not to mention, so cute! I could definitely use one of these!
    Thank you for sharing at Anything Related!!

  4. These are great! I'll buy one from you :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a great idea and it turned out so cute. I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday link party this week. I would love it if you could come by and link up this project. There's a giveaway too. Hope to see you there.

  6. This is such a great idea! I am going to have to do this one..we have a ton of birthdays in our family.

  7. Love this! I'm putting it on my list of craft-to-do list. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Way cute. I so need one of these to keep the birthdays straight and so I don't forget anyone!

  9. I think this my favorite idea from the party today. Love it! I featured it at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. My viewers are liking it too!

  10. This is genius! Definitely on my to-do list. Stopping by from Someday Crafts. I'm also a follower now! :)

  11. What a wonderful idea! I am always forgetting dates. This is going on my to-do list!

  12. That is a great birthday calendar, cute compact, and room to add more!! love it!
    Visiting from make it yours day...

  13. I tried to make one of these once, and I gave up about half way through. Yours is much cuter, too!

    Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy session over at Life in the Pitts.

  14. Hi! I'm featuring this today. Because It's awesome :)

