Saturday, May 22, 2010

Totally Tutorial Saturday- Women's Necklaces

Since I make jewelry I've had many people ask me to teach them how to make necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. The tricky part is you have to have a lot of supplies to make what I do: pliers, clippers, wire, headpins, chains....a lot of things most people don't just have around the house, even many of the crafty at heart. It is kind of specialized.

Now, hopefully I will get around to doing some jewelry tutorials but until then I found a number of fun necklace tutorials using more common items. Enjoy!

I love this super easy tutorial from V and Co. using ribbon and spray painted wooden beads. Don't you love the color combo?
Lately I have been dabbling in hand stamped jewelry and I love how easy Michelle over at A Little Tipsy makes these stamped washer necklace look. You can find all the supplies at most local hardware stores.
This Quick Change Corsage Necklace over at The Polka Dot Chair does require a little bit of jewelry making supplies but you could also use a necklace you already have. Finally something to match ANY occasion!
Here is a stunning necklace by Kelly Hicks of tulle and marbles. MARBLES! Isn't it clever (and gorgeous)?
Got some old necklaces laying around you don't quite know what to do with? I sure do. Here is a great idea to use them to make a fun new piece from The Glamourai using old chains and ribbon.
And isn't this ribbon necklace ingenious? I love it, especially since I'm somewhat of a collector of ribbon and can't get enough of it. Check it out over at Prudent Baby.


  1. wow I love your blog! everything is so great!

  2. Hey thanks for linking up these tutorials Kendra! I really wanna try a couple of them (the tulle/marbles and the ribbon 'paper chains' - both so cool!) I love that these can all be done by anyone!

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  4. This article is very good, I learned a lot.

  5. It's a very good post.
    Very nice posts around the blog. Keep it up :) !
