Friday, June 4, 2010

Father's Day Treats

My mind has been racing about what I want to do for fathers day this year. I thought and thought about what I could do for the treats and stumbled upon the treat idea of the century from Bakerella. Bakerella is an AMAZING site with tons of *sweet* ideas, so head on over.

Brace yourself, you're going to be amazed!
That's right. "Burgers and Fries" made with cupcakes, brownies and cookies. There are even printables for the containers.

I really wanted to try this before fathers day as a practice and show you all what mine look like but I think I'll just do them a day or two before. I just couldn't resist sharing.


  1. Seriously great. Probably more work that I'm up for... but dang, I wish I was!! I can't wait to see yours!!

  2. That is AMAZING!!! Oh my. Only problem is my husband won't eat a cupcake unless it's all chocolate (can't really blame him....mmmm). I do, however, have some family this would work great for. I'll have to give it a try for one of them. Thanks for the post. Awesome.
