My oldest son has, for the most part, always loved to have his picture taken. I take a lot of pictures for my blogs and etsy store so it is out all the time to which he will inevitably say 'Mom, take a picture' . Sometimes it's just of him, sometimes of his cars and him but for whatever reason he just loves it!
This time I was working on taking some pictures of my jewelry while the littlest prince was sleeping when it happened again. It takes a good hour to get all my pics taken because I usually save a bunch up and I like to take my time. The little man is pretty patient with it all and tries to help.
He just makes me smile.
Here are some of the pictures of my new pieces I was working on. Looking at them I can see just how much I love simplicity, birds and the color blue!
What a cute boy and I *love* your new pieces. You have such wonderful style!