Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Superhero Party - Goodies/Treats

The thing that I did that took a crazy (and I mean crazy) amount of time were superhero capes. Looking back I can't believe how much time I spent on them. We knew we wanted to do capes and the crafter in me wanted to make some nice ones, not just quickly thrown together ones that would be thrown away so I made them to last.

Sorry, I have no pattern. I had a cape of my sons that I just copied along with a mask and just made it as I went along and sadly didn't document it all. Look up 'superhero cape tutorial' on pinterest and you'll find a ton of great patterns and tutorials.

The same goes for the masks, I free styled it. They were sewn and had elastic in the back. Again, browse around pinterest and you can find some great masks.

I also made cuffs which were probably the easiest part of the costume. It was made out of a toilet paper roll covered in felt with a little bit of elastic to keep it together. You can find the tutorial here.

All the kids loved their capes and months (and years later) I still hear about how the kids still have them and use them.
I put together baggies with a few little goodies. Also at the end of everyone's 'training' they all got a certificate  (you can find some similar ones here along with some other great ideas!)
And when I saw these little guys I had to make them. Aren't they cute!? I got them here
And of course cupcakes. I have a rule where I don't do fancy cakes for the big kid party years because it's too much work! So for parties we stick with simple cupcakes. These were easily made using my Silhouette machine and I got a cupcake decorating kit long ago that make me look so much better at decorating than I am. They can be found here

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