Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Baby Gift - Stuffed Baby Elephant

I have a streak of friends and family having girls over the past couple of months so I've been going crazy making stuff. I'm pretty sure my husband thinks I'm insane. Little girls are just so fun to make things for, especially when you live in a house full of boys.

A friend of mine, having a girl, has chosen the theme of elephants and when I saw this pattern from a store on etsy I couldn't resist. The pattern is extremely easy and her instructions are very clear and detailed with many pictures. This is a plus for me because I'm not the best at following written instructions. I'm more of a visual person.
So I made not only this one but 3 others for friends with girls and have plans to make some for my boys who fell in love when them while I was making them.

The new mommy to be seemed to really like it.
The pattern is found here and she has a bunch of other gorgeous ones. Check out her doll pattern, it's absolutely adorable. I want to make one just for me!

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