Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Easter Gifts: Quiet Church Books

I've had a couple people ask about these, so here goes. First I have to say the designs for them are not mine, I just added the pictures to them. But it's been a big project getting them all done for my kiddos and I'm finally finished. It seriously took several hours to do them all. We love them.

I did a compilation of 10 different sets of but combined them because I could fit more than one in each photo book which holds 48 pages.

The Life of Christ, pictures need to be added.
Old Testament, pictures need to be added.
Book of Mormon, pictures need to be added.
Gospel ABCs, ready to download and print.
Prophets and Apostles, pictures need to be added.
Primary Themes, and Songs, ready to download and print.
The Articles of Faith are all ready to be printed.
We Believe, needs a few pictures added.
Teachings of Christ, pictures need to be added.
Bright Ideas from the friend, ready to download and print. (for some reason it's not linking up right now but keep trying! They are pictures that come right out of The Friend)
They were all relatively easy to do. The ones you have to add pictures to, you add them,I used picnik.com, save it and then sent to Costco to print. Then the ones that are already done you just send to print as you would a photo. Get a photo book from the dollar store and your ready to go.

For me I could fit 2 'books' in each album depending on the size, so you can mix and match. All and all they were pretty easy to do, great for my boys, and each cost around $4-5 (less if you put two in one album)

Note: Some books have been difficult to download so if you can't or don't want to add pictures yourself (again, it took me hours!) email me. 

(kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com) with which ones you'd like!


  1. SO smart. I have seen some great photo printing deals lately... I'll have to whip some of these up (er... whip up some of our own pictures to add :) and take advantage! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Also, I'm downloading the books from Simply Fresh Designs right now, and is the CTR book the one you didn't have the link to? I think it's this one.

  3. It takes a good amount of time to insert the pictures - I can only imagine the time it took for you to put these all together from scratch! Thank you so much. I can't wait for my kids to enjoy these!

  4. I truly appreciate you posting these. Thank you! For some reason I can't get the Gospel ABCs to work, am I the only one having problems with that one? All the others work great. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us.

  5. Dana, when you click on the Gospel ABC's and it takes you to the Trying To Be Important sight that says there is an error, look on the right hand side of the page under Popular Posts and you'll see the link to the Gospel ABC's. Unfortunately, it basically says she had to take it down because the Church changed some of their policies about redistributing artwork.

    I'm wondering where you bought the picture albums? I have a hard time finding albums that the front cover is a picture slot (vs a hardish colored plastic cover).

    1. Try your local dollar store. Ours has a ton of plastic albums, and the covers are printed cardboard inserts that you can slide out and replace with a picture. Hope it helps and good luck!

  6. Thank you so much for all your hard work! These are so cute and I can't wait to use them :)

  7. I would love the gospel ABC's, but when I try to open it, it shows an error message. Can you email it to me?
    Also, can you email the BOM stories with the pictures already in them, or is that possible?
    Thanks so much! (Trying to make a quick gift today if possible).
    My email is lindsayronae @ gmail.com

    1. Please email me at kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com and let me know which ones you'd like!

  8. Could you email them to whitneynebeker@gmail.com? I like the gospel ABC's and We Believe.

    1. Please email me at kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com and let me know which ones you'd like!

  9. I'm also trying to download gospel ABC's, can I get an email of it! That would be great! kelseyfangupo@gmail.com Thank you so much!

  10. Would you please email me the "Bright Ideas" pages? I have tried without success to download them, but I keep getting directed to a wrong page when I click on your link. Thanks so much for your amazing ideas and hard work. You are appreciated! (jnv268@toast.net)

    1. Please email me at kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com and let me know which ones you'd like!

  11. I am so excited to make these books for my girls. I am however not very tech savy. Can you please explain to me how to add the pictures using Microsoft Office Picture Manager? Thank you for your help.

    1. Please email me at kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com and let me know which ones you'd like!

  12. Please email me at kendrad.goodrich@gmail.com and let me know which ones you'd like!
