Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Relief Society Birthday - Forget Me Not Cupcakes

The women's organization of our church is called Relief Society. It is the largest (and I believe longest-running) women's organization in the world and this weekend the 170th anniversary celebrations were held.

Several women attending were asked to make cakes for the occasion. I did cupcakes because I prefer to make them (wayyyyy easier and less stressful for me). It took me quite a while to figure what exactly I wanted to do but then my thoughts came to a talk one of our leaders, Dieter F. Uchtdof talking about forget me nots and the things he would ask women not to forget.

Forget not to be patient with yourself

Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice

Forget not to be happy now

Forget not the “why” of the gospel

Forget not that the Lord loves you

It's a great talk and I highly recommend it. It always gives me a lift when I need to put things in perspective.

To make the cupcakes I actually did the cupcake from scratch, which was a first for me. I'm a box kind of gal and while they weren't horrible, they weren't my fav, so I'm not going to pass that recipe along. I'll keep looking.

Frosting was a typical butter cream colored green to represent grass (also I have a TON of green on hand left over from a wedding so bonus for using what I have). Out of everything the flowers took the longest but they weren't that hard. I used a mold I found on etsy, here. I did these out of a fondant (I had some left over and colored it blue). You can use gum paste but it dries quickly and can stress me out. I was going for less stress. I made them a few days before so they were ready to go. Afterwards I did a tiny dot of yellow frosting for the center.
For the flags I printed them off on card stock and made them 'wave' by using my fingers to form them. I didn't take pictures of it, but it's not too hard to figure out and looks great. Anyhoo. I got to try out a number of really fun things I normally wouldn't have normally done, seeing I live in a house full of boys who shun the thought of flowers on their cupcakes. Though, I'm pretty sure they would just pick them off and throw them in the garbage, because these boys have never said no to a good cupcake.

Next baking adventure? An airplane cake for my littlest prince turning 3. So many ideas, what's a gal to do?


  1. Kendra, these are gorgeous! They look delicious and I'm sure they tasted great, too.

  2. The guys want more of those Cupcakes. How do I do them?
