Tuesday, September 18, 2012

C is for Colors

This summer for the letter C we did a lot with colors. We had our friends over for the whole day because they were expecting a new baby brother and we were more than happy to have them. So we played a ton and talked about the colors of things we were playing with and of course messed around with paints. And what else could be better than coloring your food? They each got to pick a color to change their milk and mac and cheese. Looking back I should have done the mac n' cheese all the same color at the same time, it was a mess. Lesson learned. 
They all loved every bit of it, though Mr. Max refused to color his mac n' cheese, I guess he was going with orange. Though I might agree with him, the food coloring did make it look pretty weird. Tasted fine, but red and green mac n' cheese just seems a little off.
Here's KJ, isn't she cute? We don't often have girls over to our house so it was a rare treat to have her over.

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