Sunday, February 17, 2013

Casino Night 30th Birthday Party

Way way back in November I decided what I was going to do for Jason's big 3-0 party.

I decided to do a game night rather than a traditional party because while I think he is great with talking to people and is extremely sociable, I knew he wasn't a fan of stand-around-and-chat parties. The one thing I knew he LOVED was playing board games with friends, so I ran with that.

I went with a casino night theme and used the colors black, white and red for it.
I brought all our favorite games and set them out on a table so people could choose what they wanted to play and I even invited them to bring their own if they wanted to play that instead.
Lots of playing cards were used, I got them all from the dollar store. I made this little 'banner' the night before with a sewing machine and sharpie. Yeah for procrastination!
Everything wasn't too hard to put together. Mostly a lot of cards sewn together from the dollar store, ton's of snack food and awesome friends.

Jason was very surprised (at least so he tells me) and needless to say he won't be telling me I never give him any big parties like I do the boys anytime soon. Bam!
For the 'cake' I did some dominos out of brownies and frosting, some stacked oreos (his favorite) and some easy to make cupcakes.
Snacks were pretty much all his favorite stuff along with some that stayed on the red, white and black/brown theme. Yeah, they were all pretty much gone by the end of the night.

Happy Birthday Sr. Jason, I love you tons!


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  2. Wow,,,, what a wonderful birthday party! I love that 30th birthday ideas, I might use that for my friend's 25th suprise birthday party... Thanks for sharing!
