Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why I Stayed Up WAYYYY Too Late Last Night

I've been hit with party fever lately. When my son, Levi had his 2nd b-day I decided I was only going to do 'big/friend' party every other year, on the evens, and on the odds we would do it with family but with a super awesome cake. This year, and every other year from now on, I have two I'm planning, a train one for my soon to be 2 year old Max and a superhero one for Levi at the end of the summer.

Ever since his last birthday Levi has been talking about his 4 year old party. It was decided long ago it would be a superhero one and at least once a week we talk about it or look at cool superhero stuff on the computer. Even though my other son's party is in just over 2 weeks, I saw the coolest idea for my super-boy and started on it last night. It took me forever to get just right but I didn't want to stop in the middle of it because I know how I am with projects, better to finish now or it might just be a year before it happens. I LOVE it and am going to turn it into a poster for his party. Part of me really wants to show him but I kind of want it to be a surprise for his party. Good thing he can't get on the computer!


  1. How cute! I'm sure he will love it.

  2. This is an adorable idea! And friend party every other year is SO smart! We were just in Portland yesterday- I love that city! :)
