Saturday, September 26, 2009

Months in the Making

My mom and I began taking a quilting class this January. It is a 'piece a month' type class, like one month it was the main part of the house, the next the roof, the next the trees.... It's been fun, though you don't really sew in the class, it is the quilt shop's (that's who does it) time to tell you all about their products/classes and then the last five minutes hand you the pattern of what your supposed to do. So my mom and I usually try to figure out what it is the pattern says, wishing they were more helpful in the class.

It has been good though because it has forced us to make progress (they won't give you the pattern for the next piece until you finish the last). Here's what we've got so far, we'll part of it.
Underneath the arrows is supposed to say 'Rise and Shine' but I don't really like it and am still trying to figure it out. Ideas?

"Floating Stars" is what we did this last week.
More in detail. I must say I LOVE the fabric. There were two choices of fabric, the other one was darker colors in flannel. I fell in love with the bright springy colors.

We're coming along! I can't wait to see it finished.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of "rise and shine" how about "Love at Home" It's the same amount of letters if you put two extra spaces before and after the "at"... just an idea...
    By the way... I LOVE all of our fun crafts.
