Thursday, October 1, 2009

My newest hobby

Like I don't have enough! Actually it all started in Jr. High, I loved beading. I think it all started with a bead loom I got as a gift because I loved anything and everything Native American and it sort of snowballed from there. But after several years I started into clothing construction and set down beading.

That is until now. I fell in LOVE with some beads I saw online and couldn't resist. I've since learned a number of new techniques and have found bead work and supplies have come a LONG way since Jr. High. I love it!!! Here is a little taste of what I've been working on.

These two were one of my firsts, they are both made out of freshwater pearls. The yellow is a personal favorite.I saw these beads and I fell in love with them, they remind me of the ocean....These pink beads are sparkly. I love sparkly things!These are some of the flowers I couldn't resist! They looked like so much fun, and my sister gave me the idea for the leaf.
I just loved the leaf. I have been into themes of nature lately, leaves, flowers....
This is a new technique I learned with wire wrapping with briolettes.


  1. Wow, Kendra! You do very nice work. I think the leaf one is my favorite.

  2. Gorgeous! Makes me wish I had pierced ears.

  3. These are very nice; I really like your stuff. I love beading too.
