Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just a Mom? HA!

So I started an Etsy store for my jewelry not too long ago. A number of people have been telling me for quite a while that I should but I just had too much on my plate with work, two kids, school and the rest of life, I didn't want to get TOO stressed out (sometimes I do that). But I found that I just kept making and making and making things, WAY too much for me to ever wear without having to change several times a day. So I started an account and started selling, it was actually pretty easy.

I have sold a number of things and thought I'd do a giveaway though a friend of mine's website, which is AMAZING!!! Primarily it is written for stay at home moms. On the site she says "I’ve been a lot of things and there are a lot of things that I could be, but I’m choosing to be a hallway commuting, stay at home mom. What’s been my biggest surprise so far? That this isn’t Procreator’s Purgatory, but truly the most powerful position I ever could have aspired to."

The site also has a lot of GREAT recipes and simple ideas for healthy living. I must say. I LOVE this site and go to it all the time.

Go take a look and post a comment and you could be entered into the drawing for a $25 giftcard to my store!

Enter here: Just a Mom? Ha!

Be sure to tell your friends!

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