Thursday, April 22, 2010

Repurposed Candle Holder

So I have been working on getting my craftroom (at least my half of the room) re-organized and more functional. Though I still LOVE scrapbooking, my new love is jewelry making and I just needed to have my work space more jewelry functional.

As I was thinking about what I wanted in my space, I knew I wanted to have more up on the wall to get it cleared off my desk. You'd think with a six foot by three foot desk I'd have more than enough room to spare!

Here are a couple of my goodwill finds:
I've already shown you what I've done with the art case, the rings and now the candle holder, can you figure out what I'll do with the other two items??

This project was so easy. Basically all I did was clean it up and spray paint it black and hung it on my wall.

It makes a great place for scissors,

pliers, rulers,
it even holds my Crop-a-dile! I love this new piece!


  1. Thanks for the sweet comment you left! And I must say I love your goodwill find transformation! Genius!
    Good luck organizing your craft room-it's one of my favorite things to do!

  2. I LOVE this idea!
    Such a great use for something that you already have!


  3. What a great idea for this piece!!! I have a wicker window box that has two little metal rounds on either side and have been wondering what to do with this thing- I think you have just solved the dilemma!! Thanks!

  4. What a fabulous idea - so creative.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments.

  5. GREAT idea!!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It! Have a GREAT weekend!

  6. That's a great repurpose! I'm pretty sure I would have just passed that by~you have a good eye!

  7. What a great idea!!

    I'm hosting a blog party right now and I'd love it if you stopped by. Hope to see you at Saturday is Crafty Day!

  8. WOW! So cool! I love that it is pretty and useful! :)

  9. Love this idea! Just found your blog and seems like we have a lot in common...repurposing and organizing. Hope you can pop over to my blog for a visit. Glad I found your blog...just became a follower.

  10. That is a great idea! Thanks for linking up to check me out saturday

  11. Oh I love this! What a great storage area! Thanks for sharing at 'Look at me, I'm SO Crafty!' at Fun to Craft.

  12. You are sooo clever!!

  13. I love re-purposing things! I never thought of using a candle holder though. Great idea. I did something similar with spice rack. Feel free to check it out if you have a sec!

  14. you are very clever ,i enjoyed these items
