Friday, April 30, 2010

Super Baby!

I love the age my oldest is at. He's two and a half and really starting to communicate. It's not that I don't like babies, I have an baby at home right now and think he is the sweetest, cutest thing in the world. But it's so amazing to be able to communicate with your own child and see what they are thinking (it's quite hilarious too!)

So me and Mr. man were having a conversation talking about birthdays. He was trying to tell me it was his birthday and we needed to do a cake. I told him his birthday was not here yet but it was soon be his baby brothers and then I asked what kind of cake should we make for him. Mr. Man was quick to answer: "Superman" which has now turned into "Superbaby". So I guess we'll be doing a superman cake for the Little Prince's first year birthday. We'll see what I can come up with. Anyone have any superman ideas (keep in mind he's only one and I want to keep it simple)?

1 comment:

  1. Hopping by from the button hop. I've added you to my blog roll... I thought *I* was the queen of unfinished projects. :)

    Have a great Sunday!
