Thursday, July 12, 2012

M is for Marbles and M&M's

Every other Wednesday we have some friends over to do some fun crafts and play. This one was an easy one. I didn't get any pictures of them doing it, too busy helping, but it's so simple.

Put a piece of paper in a box (or you could use a pan, just something with high sides) put drops of paint in it and then put marbles in and let them swirl it around. They have fun wiggling around watching the marbles roll through the pant and it looks pretty cool if you have a good color combo.
Later in the day we had made a marble run which the boys have loved playing with.
Though this time Max freaked out for some random reason. Who knows.
I'm horrible, sometimes I just love to take pictures of the pouting, it's so funny! What silly faces. Just realized it was M day, maybe he was trying to show me what MAD looked like.
Just. Can't. Help. Myself.
The next day (many times one letter is done over 2-3 days) we did an M&M counting game I found online where they graphed how many of each color M&M's they had in. They dug it and actually showed some self restraint until they were done when the sucked them up as fast as they could.

M words for the day: Mat, max, mom, moo, men, man, mill, mix, mop, mad, mitt, mow, mug

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