Sunday, July 15, 2012

N is for Nike

My husband Jason has been working for Nike for over 6 months and we had yet to visit him. Jason Lester, sponsored by Nike did a run across America ended at the world headquarters with a big party to celebrate and all family and friends were invited to go. So we decided to head on over.

The boys were decked out in their Nike gear and were excited to see all the sports stuff. It's a pretty fun campus, and HUGE. There are tons of plaques with various sports all stars around campus, lots of pretty outdoor greenery with a jogging path all around campus. The boys were digging it.
The boys got to visit dad's desk which you can write on pretty much anywhere, so they went at it. 
Levi being goofy. I think he was dancing.
Jason knows all the fun places to go and showed us a fountain with this really fun

Then later that night (get it Night?) we had some friends over and I set up a little concessions box where they could use tickets to get different treats. They loved it.

N words:  net, neck, nice, nail, nest, new, no nod, nut, now, not, nope, nag, news

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