Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What To Pack- European Style

My sister who is currently living in Germany was talking to me about how she dresses while is there. I thought that some of it was interesting so I asked her to write a bit about it to share. -Emily

Hi, I'm Krista. I'm from the US, but currently, my husband's work has brought us to Germany for three months. It has definitely been a lot of fun, but I don't always feel like I blend in really well. 

You see, I didn't pack to look like a German.  I packed what would wash easily, what could possibly be disposed at the end of the trip, and what would be most comfortable as I trekked around the country without a car. When I go to the town, I notice almost nobody dressed like me.  Everything is fancier, from the colorful scarves to high heeled boots and brogues paired with well-fitted skinny pants. My teal nikes and flared jeans scream "I am a foreigner!"  That's ok with me. 

 But sometimes I really want to dress up a little more. Luckily for me, I had the foresight to pack a couple pairs of earrings.  Bellemizia, I might add....and they seem to dress up even my most basic outfits.  My favorite, most commonly worn earrings are the black rose studs, pictured above.  This weekend we are going on a shopping trip to find some boots or shoes to help me on my quest to look more dressy in public.   Before I know it, I'll be fitting right in!  

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