Thursday, October 3, 2013

Taking Care Of Turquoise

This is the first in a series of posts about how to take care of different types of Jewelry.

Turquoise is a great stone, the color is bright and the pattern in it makes each unique, but also it's easy to clean. A damp cloth over the surface should clean it just find, it tends not to get very dirty because it is a hard stone. The problems arise when the metal around it gets dirty as well. If it doesn't clean up with the same damp cloth then you can try using warm water and a soft bristled toothbrush to scrub around the stone. Dry it well. A drop of two of dish soap in water won't hurt it.

Turquoise can last a super long time if taken care of. Try to avoid getting it submerged in water, rain or damp cloths are fine, but don't soak it. It will last better if you avoid wearing it when you will be using cleaning supplies. Although it is extremely unlikely it will happen, try to not let it freeze. :) 

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